Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The 14 hour stretch

Today we finished off Pennsylvania, then headed into Ohio where we found an unifinshed Ohio sign at a rest stop that looked good for posing. We drove past Cleveland and Columbus signs, and Grandpa decided that there were way too many trucks on the road.

After Ohio it was onto Indiana, which we pretty much drove straight through except for getting gas and bathroom breaks. We drove around Indianappolis.
Finally, 12 hours later we made it to Illinois, and like 2 hours later we made it here, to Mulberry Grove, IL. It was around 10 (central time), and we set up camp and now everyone except for me has crashed because I'm designated blogger.

The day was good, Casey did a lot of sleeping, Christie discovered Mario for her DS, and I almost slept through directions I was supposed to give.

There is some crazy lightening going on here.

I think I will join the rest of them sleeping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, you're about half way there!
You're just about in the plains states now, so the lightning storms should be spectacular. I, for one, will be jealous if you get to see a tornado, or even a funnel cloud. Let me know when you're in Dorothy and Todo territory!!